How to delete admin password and local account password?

To delete admin account password , please follow the below steps:

Jay Sharmi
2 min readJan 9, 2021

step 1: Open the Control Panel, by typing control panel in the start search bar.

step 2: Click on the User Accounts.

step 3: Click on the user accounts in the current tab.

step 4: Click on the “manage another account”

step 5: Click on the admin profile

step 6: Click on the “Create a password”

step 7: Now enter your original password and leave the new password boxes blank, then click on the “Create password” button. It will remove your administrator password immediately.

To delete local account password , please follow the below steps:

step1: Press windows key + R and “netplwiz” or “control userpasswords2”and click “OK”

step 2: In “Users” tab select the user and uncheck the below highlighted check box and click “Apply”

step 3: Provide the passwords in both password and confirm password and click “Ok”

step 4: Click the “Ok” button now.



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